To enroll your child, go to the school or the nearest Family Welcome Center, not the district office.
PLEASE NOTE: We can not enroll your child at our school building, only family welcome centers can. PLEASE EMAIL THEM TO SET AN APPOINTMENT
Family Welcome Center
1230 Zerega Avenue, Room 24
Bronx, NY 10462 - Map
Phone: (718) 828-7546 or (718) 828-2440
Email: [email protected]
Special Education Enrollment
3450 East Tremont Avenue
Bronx, NY 10465
Phone: (718) 794-7420
Community Education Council:
The elected members of the Community Education Council (CEC) approve school zoning lines and advise on education policy.
CEC: Community Education Council 11, (718) 519-2647
Special Education:
Most questions about special education can be answered by your child's teacher or principal. If you are new to New York City or your child attends private or parochial school, contact the nearest Committee on Special Education for an evaluation.
Committee on Special Education
Tricia DeVito
3450 East Tremont Avenue
Bronx, NY 10465 - Map
Phone: (718) 794-7420
Español: (718) 794-7490
Fax: (718) 794-7445