Michelle Stewart » Welcome!



My name is Michelle Stewart. I was born and raised in the beautiful parish of St. Elizabeth, Jamaica West Indies. I attended Hampton High School, St. Elizabeth, Bethlehem Teachers’ College, University of Technology in Kingston, Jamaica and I also attended Mercy College where I also obtained a Masters in School Counseling. Before migrating to the USA, I started teaching at Rusea’s High School, Hanover, Jamaica at the tender age of 19 years old. At that time, I was the same age as many of the soccer players in the school.  This is my 3rd year teaching Culinary Arts here at Bronxdale High School. I also taught at Lehman High School for many years. I have 20 years teaching experience with the DOE as well as many years outside of teaching experience. I enjoy spending quality time with my wonderful family and I always looking forward to go back home to Jamaica. I enjoy reading and I really love going to the beach. As a professional in food preparation and cooking techniques, I really look forward to training my students to become chefs or work in the food service industry. I am really looking forward to a rewarding year as l work together with everyone in the Bronxdale Community!